HI: My Name is Danny Kirk I live in Nashville Tn. Now, and I have called this home for the last 40 years. I have 3 Daughters, 1 Grand-daughter, and 5 Grandsons. This page has a lot of information of the small country towns around where I grew up as a kid. KENVIR, DISNEY, EVARTS, HARLAN, CRANKS CREEK, EASTERN KENTUCKY, AND LEE COUNTY VA. (SEE THE LINKS PAGE!) We Have seporated the Links page into catigories so you don't have to search threw all the links to find what you are looking for. If you have a page just send us the address and we will add a link to it. (FETURED PAGES.) There is a flip applett that we will feature pages. (MEMORIAL PAGE) We have a memorial page that we would like to add more to. If anyone has a page of a loveone we will add a link to it. Just send us the address. (E-MAIL ME) check front page for e-mail link. (NEWS LETTER) Join our mailing list, and you can find out when the pages are updated with new links, and other information. (GUEST BOOK) Please sign our guest book so we will know that you have ben here. Danny Kirk